
In the following we would like to introduce you to other travelers we have met on the road and/or to whom we are in contact:

Sabine & Jens - Fahrradnomaden

The Thuringian couple has started a similar tour to ours 4 weeks before us.

 Volker's Donauradtour

We met him on the Danube cycle path.

Jimena & Alex

The couple from the US and Costa Rica fly around the world. We met in Istanbul.

Simon form Iceland

We cycled a day with him in Serbia. His destination is China.

 Guts for Change

The 4 cycle from Berlin to India for a good cause. We met in Istanbul.

Denise & Daniel - Moving Spirit

The two Swiss ride to the Black Sea and then possibly even further.

Laurens from Belgium - Steal Compass Pedal East

We met in Nevsehir (Cappadocia).

Ella from Sydney

We have met in Trabzon. She travels mostly by hitchhiking from Palestine home to Sydney/Australia.

Marius & Jan - Seidenpfad

We cycled with the 2 guys from Bielefeld through Uzbekistan.

Céline & Philippe (French)

We met the 2 French in Uzbekistan.


7237 km Guestbook